Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Forced Union

If you look at the world today, you'll find that it's not much different than any other point in human history.  Sin abounds, corruption is rampant, and the rich desire to get richer while the poor suffer in their poverty.   It's always been like this.  So it's no surprise that it continually follows this pattern.
However, it's only been in the last several hundred years that the world has seen a surprising interruption to this pattern with the founding of the United States of America.  The founding fathers set up a country with a system of government in which people could be truly FREE, and able to do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted with no interruption or bondage. 
They were free physically, in that each individual was his own sovereign.  He was the king of his own land, as it was his to do with as he pleased. (This was called the pursuit of happiness).  He was free economically, and if he worked hard, he could keep the fruit of his labours and enjoy them. He was free religiously, to follow his own conscience to decide for himself to which church or denomination he chose to attend, or if he so desired to not attend any of them.  He was also free spiritually to make decisions for himself and his own soul as to what he desired to do.  He could worship in his own way as there was no state church that forced their teachings and spirituality on him.  Yes, when the United States of America was founded, it was the greatest nation the earth had ever known!
But what happened?  It's definitly not that today.  In fact, we find that the government of today is not active in securing men's freedoms, rather it's continually toiling in "forcing" people to comply with its own will, oftentimes with many laws that are against the constitution of the United States.  Why is this?
The answer is because of "FORCED UNION." 
If you know anything about the history of this nation, you know that after the founding of the country, there was a movment to keep the union of the country.  President Andrew Jackson was a very big supporter of the union of the states. He wanted Union at all costs.  But to stay united meant that someone would have to compromise, something that many did not want to do.
And if you know your American History, you know that eventually the divide was so great, that the South seceeded from the Union, as they did not desire the North to dictate them them what they could and couldn't do.  Nor did they believe it was right for the North to tax them upwards of 40% (Look up the Morrill Tarrif for more on this).  So the South did what the Constitution gave allowance to do.  They seceeded from the Union
What happened?  You know the story.   The North started the War of Northern Agression, also known as the Civil War.  (Or the "Un-Civil War," depending upon how you look at it).
The North then practiced FORCED UNION, as they went to war and killed people in order to force them to be reunited with them. 
Lincoln, that old despot, chose to send a fleet of warships to ATTACK the South.  Knowing this, the South gave Union troops thirty days to leave Fort Sumter, and when they did not, they were forced to fire upon them in order to regain their own fort on their own sovereign soil of South Carolina.  This they did with only one recorded death (an accident, as a man inside the fort was too close to a keg of powder when it exploded).  This the South did in "Self-Defense" of an impending Northern Agressive force coming to FORCE them to remain in the Union.  (Why didn't the North just leave them alone?)
Now you can argue all you want about slavery and the South and how that led to the Civil War, but the truth is the NORTH wanted to enslave the Southern people because the South had the money, and the North wanted it.  That's why they wanted them to remain loyal to the Union, cause they wanted their tax dollars.  (Kinda sounds like our current political system today doesn't it?  With their FORCED healthcare upon the populace, the government mandates that you must get it, and if you don't want it, you are charged a TAX and a FEE for not complying with their healthcare law, a law that those who passed it DIDN'T EVEN READ IT!!!  And a law which over 60% of the American public didn't even want!)
So it's clear to see that the history of the United States of America is divided into two distinct and very opposite periods.  The first was about 70 years of true freedom, when people could chose for themselves.  They originally chose to be a part of the Union.  But when they chose to leave, they were attacked, and forced into submission.  
The second period is what happened after that until this very day, in which the U.S. goverment has a history of forcing compliance to it's will.  Just look at the Indians, for a prime example.  They were free, and freely traveled the land, but the U.S. government forced them into the Indian territory of Oklahoma, and the "trail of tears" is remembered unto this very day as a great atrocity perpetrated on the native American people by the American government.
Thus, we find that the United States of America at it's founding had a necesssary union which voluntarily came together for the purpose of granting men FREEDOM.  But when corruption entered into the picture, that Union become nothing more than an oppressive regime that forced men into compliance with that corruption and enslaved them to a political system that took away men's liberties.
Now, to depart from the history of the U.S. government, let's look at the modern day Labour Unions, for in them we find a parallel to our own government.   I was just watching the news today, and heard about the State of Michigan signing a "Right to Work" law in which it gave people the right to CHOOSE if they want to join a union or not.  Many are elated about this, for it's Pro-Choice!  But the Unions are in an uproar, and are ranting and raving, and even cussing.  They want FORCED UNION, and they are actively hostile towards those who don't!  (Watch out violence just might ensue.  It's not those who want choice that are the violent ones.  It's those who want to force you do so something that are violent!  History plainly teaches us this!)
Why is it that Labor Unions want to force workers to join them?  If they are truly Americans, who believe in the Constitution, wouldn't they want people to freely chose for themselves?   
The facts are that Labour unions in America have become so strong that they can and do FORCE people to join their UNION whether they want to or not.  And, not only that, they take a large chunk of money from their union employees (a tax, if you will) that belong to their union.  (See the parallel to the U.S. and what led up to the Civil War?  It's all about taking away one's right to choose freely and to keep what one has worked for!)
But shouldn't a person have the right to choose for him or herself if they want to belong to a certain organization? 
When Labour Unions started, they claimed they were there to help the people they represented, and they quite possibly did a lot of good.  Often they were able to get consessions that made the workplace safer, helped the worker's health, and even got the worker better pay.  But as time went on, the Union bosses became greedy.  And corruption entered in.  And what you see today in Labor Unions, is usually a political organization full of leaders who wish only to take more money from the workers so they can enlarge their coffers and become more even more powerful.  In other words, they don't care about the ones they represent, they only care about their organization and the money it produces.  (Do you see the parallel yet with our current political system in America in Washington, D.C.?  If not, you must be as blind as a bat!)
Labor Unions are guilty of trying to force people to submit to them and their ideals.  Through extortion, the are the real owners of the business, and they can put the screws on the business owner and even shut them down if they desire.  (Just look at the Hostess Cake Factory which was in the news for several weeks as a example.  Because the money-hungry Unions tried to force Hostess to comply and were unwavering and unwilling to reach an agreement, Hostess shut it doors and the business went belly up.  All because the Unions wanted to "FORCE" compliance to their wishes.) 
I've personally known men that work hard and belonged to Unions at their job.  They all told me the same thing, usually it was something like this: "I DON'T LIKE THE UNION, but unless I pay them and belong to them, I won't have a job, and since this job pays pretty well, I just put up with it, and go along with whatever they say!"
In other words, they have allowed themselves to be a part of something they don't agree with, and they've done so because the Union gives them enough money to make them compliant. 
In the political world, that would pretty much correspond to what we call "entitlements."  The Federal Government passes laws to make their union stronger, while giving away money in different ways and with various programs to make people happy enough to not say anything about their usurpation of authority.  (It also buys their vote!)  In other words, the union gets bigger, more powerful, and richer, while the workers and citizens get handouts.  Yet, they don't realize that they have been enslaved by the Union(s) themselves.  And unless they comply, they will have nothing.
This is nothing short of FORCED UNION.  Or, doing what they powerful say, or else!
It's not just in the political world, and the work force.  It's also in religious circles as well.  Many a denomination has a set up in which those who belong to it must comply with their rules under threat of ex-communication.  Congregations are told unless they submit to the church and their rules, they are in danger of going to hell and losing their immortal soul.  Thus, they comply for fear of eternal punishment.  One huge denomination in particular claims that theirs in the only "true church" and outside of their church there is no salvation.  Is this not "FORCED UNION?" It forces a person to  join them and stay with them out of FEAR, rather than out of a FREE conscience.
So what's the answer?  The only answer is a spritual one.  And that's the Lord Jesus Christ.  For only in Jesus can a person be made free.  For if the Lord shall make you free, you shall be free indeed! 
Jesus never forced anyone to do anything.  He gave all men freewill.  This means man has a choice to do as he will.  If he choses evil, evil shall befall him, if he choses good, then good should come to him.  In God's book, the Bible, man is free to decide his own fate.  He's not forced to do anything. 
Be careful of those who want to force you to do something without allowing you the opportunity to decide for yourself.  True freedom FORCES no one!  Union is only truly achieved by FREELY chosing to UNITE, not being forced to do so. 

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