Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Modern Fundamentalism Apostasy

There is no doubt that we are in the last days.  And there is no doubt that in the last days perilous times shall come--times of apostasy, or a falling away from sound doctrinal truth, as many are deceived into giving heed to "fables" and "doctrines of devils."
As I look at modern Christianity, I see this apostasy has grown by leaps and bounds and its so sad to see how many modern preachers have rapidly embraced modern teachings rather than just sticking with the word of God.  This has led to the downfall of modern Christianity, as it leaves men not only ignorant and deceived, but oftentimes unregenerated and bound for a Devil's Hell.

I see apostasy in the following important Biblical teachings: 


Let's look at each one of these and how modernists are changing these doctrines from preaching them the BIBLICAL WAY to preaching them the MODERN WAY.


Without a doubt, salvation is by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8,9).  Many Fundamentalits are quick to point this out.  But when they preach on how a person should be saved, they often don't preach a plan of salvation by grace through faith alone.  Further they don't clarify in what a man's faith should be in alone.  Oftentimes they preach things like:

Pray this Prayer
Repeat this Prayer
Ask God to Save You
Beg God for Forgiveness
Give Your Heart to God
Make Your Commitment to Jesus
Ask Jesus Into Your Heart

But none of these are found in the Bible.  That is, there is no command in the Bible where we find a man must do any of these things to be saved.  Yet these are preached time and again in our world today by many preachers, pastors, and denominations.  We even find these commands on websites and in gospel tracts, pressuring a sinner to do these things in order to get saved.  But these things all have one thing in common, THEY LEAVE OUT THE BLOOD ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST.
In the Bible, Salvation is by blood atonement.  In the Old Testament, it was by sacrificing lambs.  In the New Testament, we find Jesus Christ--the Lamb of God--came and died for the sins of mankind.  To be saved today, man doesn't have to DO anything.  He must simply believe or trust the blood atonement of Jesus Christ.  That's salvation!  To preach anything else is to get a man to do something other than simply rest on the finished work of Christ.  It then in short is a BLOODLESS GOSPEL which oftentimes leaves a person trusting in what they've done rather than what Jesus Christ did for them.  And, if they are not trusting in Jesus by faith alone then they are still LOST and on their way to Hell.


Sanctification is nothing short of living HOLY.  This is something God demands (1 Peter 1:15,16).  God not only wants man to be saved, but he also wants them to be sanctified.  That is he wants them to live for him, obey him, and serve him.  God also wants those who are born again to be separated from the world.  That is, to be different, and to not be partakers of the things of the world.  They are to be a peculiar people, zealous of good works, and not pleasured by the things of the world.  But do you hear preaching about this today? 
Nay, instead we hear about Preachers who are as worldly as they can be.  They don't preach on holiness, or being "filled with the Spirit" of God.  Nor do they preach hard against sin like they did in days of old.  Instead they are focused on a "purpose-driven" goal of building a big church.  Usually to do so they must compromise.  That is they have to back off preaching against certain things that they know are wrong. 
They then build big buildings full of many people, but those people are not godly, rather carnal.  This quickly leads to problems in churches, and often times quarrels and even church splits.
The world often sees this in-fighting within so-called "Christian circles" and it turns them off to the Lord.  This is why it's important to preach hard against sin, and to unite in the Lord in true Holiness.


The true word of God in English is the King James 1611 Authorized Version.  All other modern versions in English are translations done by evil men who use "critical texts" who give us versions that take out whole verses, attack the deity of Jesus, and more.
There used to be a time when many Fundamentalists were KJV only.  But now many are accepting modern versions which are full of errors and mistakes.  Why do they want these tainted modernistic versions?
It seems to me it's because they might claim to be "Bible Believers" but they aren't "Bible Readers."  For if they were, they would see how the new versions change verses to weaken sound Bible doctrine.  They would further see the great conspiracy by those behind the new versions to weaken and destroy the Textus Receptus, or the Majority Text manuscripts from which our King James Bible comes.  These texts can be traced clear back to Antioch of Syria, where we are told in the Bible is where Christ's disciples are first called "Christians."  Compare this with moden versions which are based on corrupt manuscripts like the Vaticanus and Siniaticus, which are riddled with errors, mistakes, omissions, and more. 
It then is very important for us to have God's pure words, ALL OF THEM to read, and not a watered-down perversion.


Modern Christianity has gone apostate as a whole.  It is full of lost people who are preaching another Gospel than the old BLOOD-STAINED GOSPEL found in the Bible.  They also don't care to live a "sanctified" life, oftentimes labelling those who do as "legalists."  And finally, many don't want the pure word of God, settling on modern versions which come from liberal scholars and erroneous manuscripts.

Probably the saddest thing about all this is how a man can be deceived into thinking he's a Christian even though he preachs another Gospel, lives carnal rather than Spirit-filled, and uses another version of the scriptures. 
I'm not saying everyone who does is not a Christian.  They might very well be.  But if the Holy Spirit of God is really inside them, shouldn't it guide them into all truth, and eventually get them to study out the truth.  Wouldn't they then eventually become pro-KJV, pro preaching of the BLOOD alone for salvation, and pro-holiness?  I believe they would.
I encourage you, if you are reading this, to look at yourself and see what you believe.  Are you saved?  If so, are you preaching the Gospel the BIBLE WAY, or are you just repeating what many others are saying?  Are you fully surrendered to God and his will--walking in the Spirit?  And, are you KJV only and do you know why you are?

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