Monday, November 21, 2011

The Great Divide

The Bible says, "...Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand." (Matthew 12:25)

And as we look at the United States of America, we find that it is a nation divided.  Half of the country is pro-American, pro-Constititution, pro-Gun rights, pro-freedom, while the other half is pro-communism, pro-socialism, pro-progressivism, pro-anarchy.

So which side will win?  That's not the issue.  The issue is that there is DIVISION rather than UNITY.  And the Bible clearly teaches us that it is the division that will bring desolation and the fall of this great nation.

On one side we have those who think they president is not doing enough.  But on the other side, there are those who think he's done too much already.  So who is right?  It all depends on what it is you want him to do.  If you are a socialist, a communist, and an anarchist, you want him to do as much as possible to bring in chaos and to destroy the system in order to set up your own ideals.  However, if you are a constitutionalist and freedom lover, you feel he has overstepped his boundaries laid forth in the constitution, and is guilty of pushing upon the American citizens things that are not only wrong, but anti-american!

So which side is right?  That's a subject for debate.  But we won't focus on that here.  What we will look at is the "GREAT DIVIDE" between them.  It's almost as if those on both sides are on opposite extreme.  They are so far on one side or the other that they cannot and will not compromise and meet in the middle.   And, this is exactly what we are seeing in the news today.  Politicians have drawn the line in the sand and told others that they must get on this side or that side.  But this line-drawing is what throughout history has always led to strives, envy, hatred, and even wars!   It's dividing people so that they will fight one another.  And the division seeks to keep them apart rather than uniting them on the things they can agree on.

This is exactly what the devil wants, and what he specializes in.  He wants people to hate one another and be so far to the opposite side of the spectrum of each other that they can never get along.  This assures him that they will be long time enemies, and he will seek to work his best at bringing out the worst in both parties, making them lash out against each other.  Eventually, their anger will turn to hatred, and then to violence, and then countless hundreds of thousands of people will get hurt.  This delights the devil, who takes solace in the pain of others.

So what is it exactly that Americans are divided on?  That's a good question, for as you look at what it is that divides them, you find an interesting thing.  It appears that one side is good and one side is evil.  It further seems that one side is influenced by God and the Bible, while the other side is heavily saturated with Luciferian doctrines, and satanism.   So who are these two sides, and what exactly divides them?  Let's look at a few of the key dividing doctrines.

If you know American politics, you know of the two-party system that dominates it.  There are Republicans, and Democrats, and most Americans are either one or the other.  Of course there are those who call themselves "Independents" but most of them would admit that their beliefs and political ideals line up with one of these two parties.

So who are the parties and what do they believe?  Well, it used to be easy to define them, but today it's not that easy, for there are those who have infiltrated both parties which don't always adhere to the main party line.  This is why it's so common to hear of politicians "switching parties" nowadays.  They jump ship and go from one side to another.  Why?  Because they see their parties are "changing" and they aren't what they used to be.  Either that, or the politicians themselves have changed, and that's why they choose to leave their party for another.

But the division in American is much more than just Democrat vs. Republican.  In fact, it's hard to find any differences between the Dems and the Reps, for both of them are now doing the same things. 

So what is the real factor that divides us politically?  Some say it's really Liberals vs. Conservatives.  And this makes more sense.

Let's look briefly at the difference between these two groups, for it's there that we find the dividing lines.

First, Liberals take a weak stance on the constitution while Conservatives take a strong stance on it, believing we should take it literally.  Why is this?  It's because the Constitution is a document that relied heavily upon GOD and man's GOD-GIVEN rights.  Liberals, however, don't seem to like God too much, as the majority of them have been educated in secular schools to despise God.  Thus, they believe that it is GOVERNMENT that gives man rights, not God.   Thus, liberals are "anti-God" while they are pro "playing God" in their politics.

Second, Liberals believe in governmental welfare, or forced political giving to those who don't have.  Conservatives also believe in giving, but they stress that it should be done only by indivuals or churches, and not by citizens through forced taxation.  This is an important point, as the Bible teaches that a man should "work by the sweat of his brow" for what he has.  He's to work hard and "enjoy the fruits of his labor."   Liberals, however, appear to be more in favor of Communism, in which the government owns everyone and everything and it decides what a person should and shouldn't have.  In Communism, a person is not self-sufficient, as God intended them to be, but rather completely dependent upon the government.  This kicks God out and sets the government up as God.  Once again, liberal thought and doctrine spits in the face of God and the scriptures.

Third, Liberals often are in favor of abortion, a horrible practice of killing babies before they are born.  They claim it is the woman's "right" to choose to not have a baby, and they have passed laws in favor of such.  But Conservatives feel this is wrong, as it clearly is the taking of human life without the individual baby having the choice to live or not.  What does the Bible say about abortion?  A lot actually.  For in the Bible, we are further told that, "LIFE" is in the blood.  That means when a child is formed in it's mother's womb and it begins producing it's only blood supply, it is a life.  To take away that life is MURDER in the scriptures.
So why do Liberals defend women in their desire to murder their own children, and attack conservatives who look at this as a pagan, immoral practice?  Could it be once again that liberals are against God?

Finally, liberals are in favor of trying to "right" what they view as "wrongs."  They engage in racial policies like affirmative action, in gender policies like woman's lib, and more.  And instead of allowing laws to apply to all people alike, they seek to grant certain rights or privileges on certain classes, genders, and races that are unfair to others.  Why is this?  They claim it's just "social justice" but who died and made them the judge?
Conservatives, on the other hand, believe in the Constitution, and they believe that ALL CITIZENS are equal under the law.  Thus, they look at liberal policies as not only unconstitutional, but also irrational.  If you look at them further, they are often "anti-biblical" as well.

So who is supposed to be in charge of "justice."  Who is to judge others for all the wrong in the world?  The Bible says it's GOD who is supposed to judge everyone in the last day.  So why do liberals think that it's their job to JUDGE everyone and then hand out decrees and laws that are to "right the wrongs" of society.  Could it be they are once again guilty of "playing-God?"

Clearly conservatives and liberals disagree with one another.  No one would argue with that.  But it's strange that no one seems to be pointing out the fact that LIBERALS almost always are on the side that is against God and the Bible.  And often, they are trying to play God themselves.  Why is this?  What is the reason that liberals are so "anti-God?"  Could it be they are influenced by satanic forces? 

Obviously there is something to that, especially when so many liberals love the book, "Rules for Radicals," a work that was dedicated to "LUCIFER!"   Hmmm.  Interesting, isn't it?

Further, most liberals learn their liberal doctrines in SECULAR colleges, which oftentimes are full of professors who are renowned ATHEISTS who continually riducule and downgrade the idea of God.  And while in college, many students often join organzations like Skull and Bones, the Jason Society, etc., which are groups started by people who were into LUCIFERIANISM, and which teach people how to gain power and influence in the world.   After college, many people join groups like the MASONS, which according to Albert Pike is the "oldest religion" and is in fact, the worship of LUCIFER.

Liberals, also enjoy political organizing, and love to fund groups like ACORN, SEIU, and others that further endoctrinate people and propogate their anti-God and anti-bible ideals.

Now back to our topic at hand:  THE GREAT DIVIDE in our country.  Could it be the divide comes from the liberals dividing themselves from what America was founded on?  Could it be that they are going the way of evil, while conservatives are trying to converse the foundations of America, which was founded on God and the Bible?  More plainly stated, "Could liberalism be nothing more than a movement of Satan to destroy America?"

These questions you must answer yourself.  All I know is there is DIVISION, and it's more rampant than it's ever been before.  At first, America was founded as a Christian nation.  But those Christian teachings have quickly erroded away.  Now, it appears America is more of a pagan nation.   And today we find conservatives who are trying to hold on to the Christian ideals of the founders and the Constitution are looked upon as "old fuddy-duddies" by modern liberals who think of themselves as "cultured," "refined," and "modernized."  Yet, these same liberals don't seem to understand that they have been, and still are, rebelling against what founded the nation they are living in.  They are divided from what America was founded on, and are actively showing their divisive spirit as they openly protest, campaign, and endoctrine others to follow them and their teachings.  So dogmatic are they in their ways that they have become militant and are starting to fight all those who don't go along with them in their fanaticism.  They truly believe they are right, and don't see how far they've gone down the leftist path to destruction. 

What do conservatives do?  Sadly, many of them have given up and are even joining the liberals.  They are turning from what they once knew and believed, and accepting liberal teachings.  But they can only go so far.  They are "moderates."  But their inablility to stand for what they believe in only empowers the liberal agenda.  While those who do stand are viewed as "extremist" "right-wing" groups. 

Division ensues and liberals go farther to the left, taking some with them, but forcing others even farther to the right.  The division is getting greater and worseing more and more.  But no one seems to say anything about it?

Do you see the great divide?  What do you think should be done? 

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