Friday, November 11, 2011

How to Govern America Properly

Our country is in a mess!  And no one can argue with that statement.  Economically, it's in decline, spiritually, it has strayed from God, and morally it has adopted many beliefs that undermine the very moral fabric of our society.  In short, our country is going to Hell in a hand basket!

So, who's to blame?  The answer most often heard from pulpits across our land is that it's all "OUR" fault for electing politicians who are "progressives," "socialists" and "communistic."  But I'm so tired of the blame being placed upon us.  It's not our fault.  It's the POLITICIANS fault, for it is they who are doing all the bad stuff in passing laws that only seek to "regulate" more, rather than allowing a free market system to work.

It's like Benjamin Franklin said, "He who governs LEAST governs BEST!"  If only politicians would realize this.  If only their platform were, "Vote for me, and I'll do NOTHING if elected!" 

The other day I was thinking about how to solve all the problems in America.  And I thought about it as a corporation.  In a corporation, people own part of the company and own STOCKS.  In other words, they are part owners in the business.   They have a stake in the company. 

Now, when the business does well, they receive either dividends or an increase in value of their stock.  So potentially, the owners of the business (the shareholders) have the potential to prosper financially if the company makes a profit.  However, they also take a loss if the company goes in the red.  Thus, the companies very reason for existence is to make money and feed its owners.

So why isn't it like this in America?  Why can't we run this nation the same way?  Why can't Americans who own property (i.e. own stock) in America prosper as the country prospers?

We as a nation are now over 7 trillion dollars in debt.  And sadly, the American people are expected by those in power to foot the bill.  But they had no say in the spending of that money.  So why should they have to pay it?

The governing of this country is completely backwards.  It's not like a business trying to make a profit, rather it's like a company that's trying to run a deficit on purpose, so it can sell more stock and try to get more cash to do more.  The only thing is that its stock is worthless and the whole world knows it!

What if we started over in America?  What if we got rid of the debt and started all over?  And what if, (go with me here for a minute,) what if instead of the government LOSING money, it actually MADE money? 

What if the American government stopped giving money away to everybody and spending on frivolous things of no lasting value, and instead INVESTED the money it receives in taxes and uses that money to make more money to in turn give back to the American people, the shareholders of the nation?

If only things worked that way!  For I read a year or so ago that the nation of America has enough natural resources and minerals in its soil that if divided equally among it's poplulace, every American could have something like 5 million dollars apiece (I don't remember the exact number, but it was in the millions).

Can you imagine?

What if you were an American citizen, and when you are born, you were given 5 million dollars.  They just gave it to you.  Wouldn't that be awesome?
Why?  Because it was what the nation had and it was a just nation that EQUALLY divided its wealth with its citizens, just like a company giving dividends to its stock holders.  Wouldn't that be cool?

If you lived in Alaska, you'd know what I'm talking about.  In Alaska they give people about 1500 dollars a year, just to live in that state!  Where does it come from?  Is it tax money taken and given out as welfare?  No!  It's money from the OIL COMPANIES, who take oil out of Alaskan soil who in turn pay the citizens of Alaska for allowing them to let them take their oil.  That's too cool!  

But alas, in our country today, the Government does not want to do such a thing.  Instead, they want to tax the rich to give to the poor.  But that's not right!  Why should one class of people get something for nothing while another class works to get what they have???  That doesn't make sense.

If I were in charge, I know what I would do.  I would make America run like a business, and I would try to make that business make a profit, and not run in the red.   I would then make sure to send dividends to NATURAL BORN CITIZENS of this country.  (Note, I would only give it to people who were BORN here, and not to immigrants.  There are many reasons for this, but I can't go into that now.)

This would be an amazing endeavour.  It would mean that all taxes given to the government MUST be used to turn a profit.  In other words, they must be INVESTED in such a way as to make sure Americans got back MORE than what they paid in.

Can you imagine a system like this?  America would be the greatest country in the world!

So if a company can run itself as a business and make a profit, why can't the federal government?  

That's a good question.  The answer is because the federal government is not in the business of MAKING money, it's only in the business of SPENDING money.  And it does so a little too effectively (being now over 7 TRILLION dollars in debt).  But where does this money go?   The answer may surprise you.  It goes several places.  First it goes overseas.  That's right.  It goes to foreign countries and not to its own citizens!  Through USAID and other organizations the U.S. government gives away money to foreign nations and gets absolutely nothing in return.  Who's money is it?  Why it's the American citizen's money!  So why do others who aren't even Americans entitled to it?

Can you imagine if a private company did this?  Just imagine if they sold stock in their company, then they took that money and just gave it to their competition with no expectation of it being repaid.  What would happen?  Why the stock holders would get angry and dump all their stock and the company would go under! 

Er, um, maybe I've said too much.  Cause that's exactly what's happening with the U.S.  It's spending all it's money and getting the stock holders in debt, all while claiming that they have to give "stimulus" in order to get the economy running again.  In other words, they believe you have to "spend your way out of debt!"  (No, really, that's what several politicians have actually said on tape!)

The American government also spends money on domestic projects that are not profitable and not returnable.  For example, we are hearing lately of the SOLYNDRA scandal, in which MILLIONS (or was it BILLIONS, I forget), of American's tax payer's money was giving to this company, and then it later went belly up and bankrupt.  How does this happen?  But it does and it happens quite often.

If you don't remember anything else in this blog, just remember this:  "THIS IS NOT HOW YOU GOVERN A COMPANY, MUCH LESS A NATION!" 

To give away the stockholders money to anyone and everyone with NO EXPECTATION of receiving anything in return is not only negligant but CRIMINAL!  It is not only bankrupting the nation, but the citizens as well, as the debt incurred leads to high and massive inflation, making a person's money worth less and less.  It's double robbery, taking for them and spending without their say so, and then making what they have left over worth next to nothing.

So with this sad expose of the American situation exposed, the question is, "Would you like to know how to fix the problem?"  The answer is simple, just do what the BIG BANKS do.  That is, (and please get a hold of this), DON'T GIVE AWAY ANYTHING!!!  (unless it's maybe a toaster!)

In order to make a profit, you must sell something that is worth something.  That's common business knowledge.  But if you already have money, the best way to make money is to LOAN it at interest, and not GIVE it away.  For the simple fact is that once it's given, it's gone, and you'll never see it again, and if you borrowed it to give away, then all you get in return is more DEBT.  And what's worse is that if you borrow money and then you give it away for nothing, you end up still having to pay it back!  How is that profitable?  How does that make business sense?

Now here's where the difference is.  Corporations and Banks make profit.  They either sell a product or lend money.  But the problem with them is they usually are corrupt.  They will sell cheap products for high prices, or they will loan money at high interest rates, and this is how they profit off of people. 

This used to not be the case, but with the great lack of morals in our society this is what happens, as greed usually takes over in a person's heart and they seek to "cheat" people by selling them less then adaquate products for overinflated prices.

This is a sad situation, but even though it's taking advantage of a free market system, that doesn't mean that a free market system is bad.  Captialism must have morality to work.  Unscrupulous capitalists are nothing more than thieves.  While moral and honest capitalists are hardworking men who are only trying to put food on the table and take care of their families.

So how should the government govern?  Simple.  They should stop GIVING money, but simply LOAN it.  And they should loan it as very low interest rates. 

For example, the price of college is outrageous nowadays.  So why doesn't the government say, "Okay, we will loan you the money at 1 percent interest." 

Then the person can get a loan and actually afford to pay it back.  He comes out better, because private loan companies and banks charge WAY MORE THAN only 1 percent, getting a person in debt for life, and completely unable to pay back the full amount. 

If the government loaned the money it would suceed, as it would be earning 1 percent until that person pays back their college loan debt.  In other words, they'd MAKE money while they HELPED someone, without going into debt!

See how the government HELPED that person, but at the same time it robbed no one.  It is making money rather than stealing money through taxes which it then gives away in things like pell grants, etc.

In the case of foreign countries, American should NEVER GIVE THEM ANY MONEY, period.  For this takes out money from our own cash flow in our own nation.  But if it does decide to pass money to other countries, it should be in the form of a LOAN, and at HIGH INTEREST RATES. 

For example, a country wants to better itself and it needs capital to do so.  So they come to America and ask for a loan of 100 million dollars.  The government could say, "Okay, we'll happily give you a loan for that amount, but you must pay it back in so many years, at an interest rate of 10 percent!"

If the country agrees and pays it, then wouldn't America be a much better, richer, profitable nation?

All these principles are so basic, so easy to grasp.  Yet our government continues to ignore them and plunge further into debt.  WHY?

Well, there is a reason for the spendthriftery of our national government.  They are getting in debt on purpose, and I hope you know the reason.  If not, you should really study history.  It all goes back to the international bankers, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Illuminati, a global one world conspiracy, and more, in which the goal is a one world government and not a world with many different nations.  But that's another blog for another time.

The only way to govern America properly is to run it like a business with the goal of MAKING money, rather than SPENDING itself into debt.  This can still happen and should happen, but it will only happen if American citizens work together to vote out the current administration (I'm talking about Dems and Reps alike.  They are both corrupt and are in favor of spending money.)

Very few people know the truth about America, nor do they study how it was initially set up.  In the beginning, there were absolutely no taxes set up on the American people.  They were sick of taxation by Great Britian, so they made it a point to do away with taxes all together.  So how did the Federal government get money?  The answer was through DUTIES on foreign nations through trade.  If a country traded with America, they had to pay duty on all they sought to sell in America, and that money went into the coffer of the treasury of the government.  It was making money not off the citizenry, rather off of  other countries.  This left the typical American citizen to work hard and profit himself, as almost the entire world had to come to America to buy his goods.  America SOLD to other nations and made a profit, while it made them pay duty to sell their goods to us.  That means the government made money both ways!

If only we could get back to a system like this in which the government was not in debt, did not GIVE away countless TRILLIONS of dollars, and didn't expect their poplulace to pay for all their wreckless SPENDING through wanting to tax them even more.  For such a nation is not governed properly. 

Let me close with this illustration.  Let's say a guy comes into your home and says that he's going to take over your finances, and all you have to do is trust him and he'll make you money. Would you trust him?  I don't know.  I think I might be mistrustful from the git-go.  But let's say he does so and he takes your money and invests it and over time he makes you a millionare.  Wouldn't you be ecstatic?  Wouldn't you appreciate what he did for you?  Of course you would.

Now let's look at it on the other side of the coin.  What if a guy came into your house and said, "I'm taking over your finances whether you like it or not, and there's nothing you can do about it!"  And then he shows you a legal document granting him that right.  Then he takes your money and gets you so far into debt you'll never get out of it, ever!  How would you feel?  Obviously, you'd be angry and ungrateful, wishing he'd just leave you and your money alone!

So which system of government do we have based on the illustration above?  If you guessed the second one, you are right!

But it doesn't have to be that way.  We can still turn the country around and get it back to what it used to be.  We can still elect officials who can fix this mess and get us back on tract to a profitable pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.  But that time to do so is getting very short, as we have people in positions of power today who believe profit is evil.  They want to "distribute the wealth" and spread it around.  But why don't they just get back to trying to make America great again, and making it a profitable nation like it once was in which the American Dream was:  "If you work hard, you'll suceed!"  

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